ARN - Squires and Cadets et al.

gtaylor gtaylor at
Fri Dec 1 11:16:34 PST 2000

Interesting....thanks for the Info...


joe rummel wrote:

> I recently read an article that was regarding the daily habits of the
> Elizabethan middle and upper class, not noblity.  It stated that the
> vast majority of houses in the middle and upper-middle classes did not
> contain what we would regard as a kitchen.  The article speculates
> that is was cheaper to 'eat out' than to cook at home due to the lack
> of any way to keep food w/o spoiling, while taverns/inns would be able
> to constantly get fresher food.  At home foods would have been breads
> and easy to keep veggies (onions, turnips, ect) but meat at home would
> have been uncommon.
> Benedict / Joe
>  Amerinda wrote:
> I struck me as ironic that we would be asked to spend the day acting
> the
> proper gentle born and then be fed in a tavern.
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