ARN - Ansteorran Queen's Champion (was Re: RN- Fighting indoors

Theron Bretz tbretz at
Wed May 31 09:26:20 PDT 2000

> The thought of fighting indoors kinda ruins the whole period idea of
> rapier fighting out on a list for the honor of your Queen.  If we have
> to move it indoors we need to scrap the boots and wear sneakers.  While
> were at it, lets just scrap all that garb stuff just wear sweats and a
> fencing jacket.  You know if we limit the list fields to about 4ft wide,
> we could get a lot more in there too.  Then we could have us a good ol'
> fencing tournament.

Edward, fencing in boots isn't particularly in period either (boots were
worn for riding and very little else).  And all sarcasm aside, Payless sells
a perfectly good rubber-bottomed canvas slipper (in brown or dark
blue/black) that passes the 10 foot test quite easily (check with Hawkins,
I've seen him use them).  I've been fencing in them for years, and they are
more than adequate to our purposes.  They're also dirt cheap (under $20.00 a
pair), so replacing them when they wear out is no big deal.

Again, let me stress that fighting indoors is not an ideal solution, but it
beats the alternative in my opinion, and only in my opinion.  Ultimately,
it's the Queen's decision and I will abide by it.  I reserve the right to
lobby for my position up to the moment that decision is made.  You have
every right to take up a counter position, although I don't think sarcasm is
really necessary under the circumstances.


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