ARN - rant

Chandranath russ at
Mon Sep 18 22:43:05 PDT 2000

On Tue, Sep 19, 2000 at 12:31:04AM -0500, j_smallw at TITAN.SFASU.EDU wrote:
> If the communications fail, it's usually because either someone is not doing
> their job or just doesn't know what their job is.  That, I feel, is what we
> need to be addressing.  In other words, not knowing about the new cards is
> only a symptom of the problem.

Don Ansgar,

I think at this point we are saying the same thing.  I entirely agree.  Thank
you for listening.


Lord Chandranath, Cadet to Don Timothy
Musician in the King's Players
Deputy Regional Herald, Northern Ansteorra
Rapier Marshal and Captain of the Plumes of the Shire of Mooneschadowe
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