ARN - While we're talking about the new cards...

Chandranath russ at
Tue Sep 19 18:47:52 PDT 2000

On Tue, Sep 19, 2000 at 08:07:08PM -0500, David Whitford wrote:
>I applaud all of those who feel the need to take our Earl Marshal to task in a
>forum where he is not available to speak for himself-so instead you get to here

Don Robert,

You should know that I have great respect for you, but I don't see why you
draw the conclusion that the Earl Marshal is under personal attack.

The posts you included in your response were, firstly, of a humorous tone, and
secondly, all directed towards the phrase "okey dokey" itself, not towards Sir
Kief.  Indeed, most, if not all, of the discussion I've seen has stuck very
closely to the topic -- which is opinions on the phrasing of the card.  If we
all together decided we hated the phrase "okey dokey", that would say exactly
nothing about what we think about Sir Kief, or whether we feel he is due
respect.  I believe he is.  I am fairly sure everyone else believes so, too.
But I think you are alone, milord, in thinking that any discussion of anything
he has done goes against that respect.

Having said all that, it is certainly a good idea for those who wish to see
the phrasing changed to take that to the Earl Marshal, since nobody here has
the power to make any such change.  That's good sense.  But taking people to
task as if they had vilified the man... I don't see the jump, Don Robert, I
really don't.


Lord Chandranath, Cadet to Don Timothy
Musician in the King's Players
Deputy Regional Herald, Northern Ansteorra
Rapier Marshal and Captain of the Plumes of the Shire of Mooneschadowe
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