[Ansteorra-rapier] Peppermint List Inquiry

Delphina Champeaux lady_rapier at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 24 10:54:33 PDT 2001


Lady Mirella di Bastianni has been taking care of this
list for the last year.  Before that it had been
several years since anyone had updated it.  She has
been trying to get all of the correct information but
as you know information changes like the wind.  I
don't have her email on this computer but I'll get
this to her tonight.

I remain in service,

--- Chandranath <chandra at plumes.org> wrote:
> Friends of the rapier,
> Who, if anyone, is currently engaged in updating the
> Peppermint List?
> Background:  I volunteered to work on it (and I
> still do), and Her Stellar
> Majesty quite correctly wishes that those currently
> involved be consulted,
> that no toes are trod upon.
> Please, stand up and be recognized, and help a
> humble servant avoid faux
> pas. :)
> Chandra
> aka "the one that sends all that email"
> --
> Shri Chandranath, Cadet to Don Timothy, Pursuivant
> Extraordinaire
> Northern Regional Virtual Scribe
> Captain of the Plumes of the Shire of Mooneschadowe
> ( mka Russ Smith - http://www.randomgang.com/ )
> _______________________________________________
> Ansteorra-rapier mailing list
> Ansteorra-rapier at ansteorra.org

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