[Ansteorra-rapier] Peppermint List Inquiry

Chandranath chandra at plumes.org
Tue Jul 24 11:08:49 PDT 2001

> Greetings,
> Lady Mirella di Bastianni has been taking care of this
> list for the last year.  Before that it had been
> several years since anyone had updated it.  She has
> been trying to get all of the correct information but
> as you know information changes like the wind.  I
> don't have her email on this computer but I'll get
> this to her tonight.

Thank you; I should note here that Lady Mirella has contacted
me and we have been working out the details.  Scarves of
Ansteorra, you can save me from typing in a form letter to
you by preemptively sending me confirmation of your
name, mundane name, consort's name, snail address, phone, email,
and who's your Don. :)

I wasn't a bureacrat until the heralds got me

Shri Chandranath, Cadet to Don Timothy, Pursuivant Extraordinaire
Northern Regional Virtual Scribe
Captain of the Plumes of the Shire of Mooneschadowe
( mka Russ Smith - http://www.randomgang.com/ )

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