[Ansteorra-rapier] BOD ruling

Beth Richard b-richard at houston.rr.com
Sun Aug 3 09:24:23 PDT 2003

> Don Iago <IagoAH at aol.com> wrote:
> You can still parry with your hand, you just 
> can't parry your opponent's hand/arm/wrist 
> with your hand.
> Iago 

Does this imply that single rapier will be on the decline in favour of
rapier and dagger since there is no prohibition of using a parrying
dagger to parry the opponent's hand/arm/wrist?

I would think that intentional weapon to body contact of any kind is
more dangerous than parrying the opponent's hand/arm/wrist with your
hand.  If there's a move to outlaw intentional weapon to body contact,
then that rather puts a damper on all combat!  

Tangwistel Telynores (Telynor)
  The Canton of Gate's Edge, Ansteorra (Houston, TX)
  b-richard at houston.rr.com
  Cadet to Duke, Sir Morguhn Sheridan, Don of Fence - Aethelmaerc.

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