[Ansteorra-rapier] Cloak play question

Kevin Wilson kevwilson at swbell.net
Thu Oct 11 18:22:47 PDT 2007

Dore, please clarify the rule about throwing a cloak at an opponent (and if
this has been changed/clarified in the most recent rule change, ignore

What was stated (I believe as a change in the rules) in the marshal's
meeting at Red Tape was that while a fighter can throw a cloak at an
opponent, the thrown cloak cannot actually hit, strike, or land on the
opponent.  But a cloak being wielded in the hand did not have the same
restriction.  I'm not sure of the rule applied to this, I just remember you
stating it and clarifying a question on it. But a number of fighters have
asked for clarification.  This has caused a large amount of confusion in
various fights, tournaments, and practices.


Stargate Rapier Marshal

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