[Ansteorra-rapier] learning rapier

Darran Faulkner ingveyork at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 10 05:46:21 PDT 2009

Hi Brekke,

My name is Ingve.  I live in Steppes and am at practice frequently.  If you are interested, we can probably get together on a weekend to help you get started.  Please contact me off list to discuss it at ingveyork at yahoo.com

--- On Thu, 4/9/09, brekke lockerd <sweetstuff6215 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> From: brekke lockerd <sweetstuff6215 at yahoo.com>
> Subject: [Ansteorra-rapier] learning rapier
> To: ansteorra-rapier at lists.ansteorra.org
> Date: Thursday, April 9, 2009, 9:56 PM
> Thank
> you so much to everyone who responded and offered
> advice!  I appreciate it.
> I live just north of
> Dallas, and I believe that Steppes is the closest to
> me.  I checked their calendar and saw that they usually
> hold rapier practice on Tuesday, but because I work a night
> job I can't always make it out.  I was hoping to
> get a start on what I needed so that if and when I was able
> to make it out there I can actually start learning and get
> more advice.  I don't know if there are other
> groups close to me, or if they hold rapier practice. 
> The mask I just got is a fencing mask, I'm pretty sure
> that will pass any of the tests that have to be done to
> it. 
> I think that answers what
> everyone asked me.  
> Thank you again for all
> your help, I hope to join the ranks of fighter
> soon!
> Brekke
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