[Ansteorra-textiles] projects

Lightfootcim at aol.com Lightfootcim at aol.com
Wed Oct 16 14:56:47 PDT 2002

Let's see, next to you, I am positively a slacker - course you knew that :)

I am finishing my belt project for you - it should be done tonight or tomorrow night, then on to finishing the documentation on it - in time for Defender, so I can enter it - (I hope, if I don't have to judge).  I am also planning on making some weaving pieces for prizes for the event also.

Then it's on to the next project - which I was planning on asking ya'll if there is a pattern for.  Is there a set pattern for a Centurion's garter?  The person who requested that I make them one gave me a verbal on it, but I want to make sure his version of "wraps" and my version of "wraps" are the same thing. :)

Thanks all!


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