[Bards] New Question

antigonus bearbait antigonus at lycos.com
Tue Jul 22 00:08:26 PDT 2003

Hmmmm ---
Why am I a bard?
Because I love it.
I've always felt a love for expression -- my own and that of others.
I can't think of any better reason.
Bards bring the Dream alive for me.  They are not the only ones, but the Dream first touched me with a bard -- and I will never forget it.
I think it may be as simple as that.

--------- Original Message ---------
DATE: Wed, 2 Jul 2003 05:55:13 
From: Bella <sorrowsong at sbcglobal.net>
To: Ansteorran Bardic list <bards at ansteorra.org>

Like Celeste, I generally sing. I have performed poetry on occassion, but not often. Storytelling is my greatest weakness as far as performance. Strange indeed as I used to be a theater major who couldn't sing in front of an audience without her voice cracking. My very first time singing alone in front of people was in fact at my first event, Eldern Hils' Samhain, in a bardic competition.


Tausha Walker <celesteeh at yahoo.com> wrote:
I mostly sing. I do some poetry too. I am trying to improve my poetry and stroytelling.


willow Taylor <willowjonbardc at juno.com> wrote:
Dear fellow Bards

I am a new question. What do you perform in the SCA?
I have been a story teller for most of my life. When I was ten I set up
a story telling booth next to my girl friend's lemonade booth and made as
much money as she did. When I started in the SCA I wasn't a performer. I
was an organizer and an autocrat. I didn't really start to build my
persona until I was in Ansteorra. When I started to work on my historical
persona I realized that entertainment is part of the role of a person in
the middle ages. Everybody did something. The gentle born were suppose
to do more. People entertained themselves and it would of gotten really
boring if everybody didn't perform . Who was that Saxon cleric who prayed
to God to help him out because when the horn was passed to him he could
not think of anything? As I advanced in the SCA I beca! ! me a patron of the
bardic arts. In history you will find many nobles who did things like
that, Robert of Normandy and Richard the Lionhearted. They usually
participated in the art form. So my performance are part of my living my

Willow de Wisp

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