[Bordermarch] Needed help

benliz benliz at ev1.net
Thu Sep 1 23:20:11 PDT 2005

Baron of Axemoor has been heard from, is O.K. Thank God.
A message came cross posted through Gleann Ahbann (maybe through lisabetta ?)   

Also, Jean Louis / Jay Ardoin (he always comes to Melees and frequently visits 12th Nights) is one of the co-ordinators of SCA helping SCA in Louisiana.
Prayers continue.

First Baptist Church  message received to congregation members about the Gym is that the FBC Gym is awaiting opening directions by the Red Cross in leadership.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: benliz 
  To: baron at bordermarch.org ; Barony of Bordermarch 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 11:23 PM
  Subject: Re: [Bordermarch] Needed help

  Thank you for spreading this message, Your Excellency.
  If we cannot drive to Louisiana to physically help, we can be of some assistance to those who find reguge here.
  Items needed by Katrina evacuees would be exactly the same kind of things any of us would be needing if we had been displaced by this devastation.
  To mention with your list, 
  Baby things, disposable diapers, formula mix.
  Packs of new socks.

  Since many in the poplulace are familiar with the location of the FBC Gym downtown, it would be convenient for almost any of us to drive by the Gym over the next few days to contribute items...  and to continue as possible.
  This church gym will begin receiving travelers Thursday, Sept 1.
  Ford Arena is already housing hundreds of evacuees, the news says.

  Some of the sca cross posts mention hearing of safety for several of the Gleann Ahbann Baron/ess families, but specifically no word directly about Baron/ess of Axemoor (New O area).   Please pray for their well-being.
  If everyone did not see the word, Their Royal Highnesses GA who are to be Coronated as K & Q of GA did get out and are safe with their little baby, staying  among friends.
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