[Bordermarch] all Wal*mart fabric departments are closing

WESLEY SIMPSON slovaczek at sbcglobal.net
Sat Jan 13 15:50:59 PST 2007

Greetings to all !
  The Wal mart store in Silsbee where my wife and I shop has let it be known to her that Wal mart is planing to close their fabric department , and I DID NOT believe my wife when she told me so I WENT DOWN THERE TO CHECK ON THE FACTS, and this is True!!!! 
  All Wal mart stores in Texas and many other states will be closing down their fabric departments in the future and turning them into party shops (April was the original date but the date is still up in the air as of today). If you wish to complain about this  then call (1-800-WAL MART) AND DON'T JUST LEAVE A MESSAGE ON THE MACHINE BUT MAKE SURE YOU TALK TO A PERSON, BECAUSE THIS CARRIES MORE WEIGHT at management levels. To contact a local Wal mart regional director fax your message to 1-409-751-0141 and address it to Jim. 
  This is one of our best sources of $1.00 a yard material, if you don't care about it then do nothing, but if you do care, then let them know your feelings and call asap. 
  Thank you for your time
  Take care of yourselves and know you are loved and cared about by so many others and that you are never alone no matter where you are.
  Wesley Simpson

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