[Bordermarch] A & S doings

W G Wimberley kwcw3f at peoplepc.com
Fri Aug 22 13:15:14 PDT 2008

My Lady Therese, 
     I am up to my eyeballs in knitting and crocheting as usual. I just completed a filet crochet 'board' for a medieval game called 'Alquerque' that I discovered on the Web, written of by another SCAdian (from where I cannot at present recall). The game is sort of like checkers but the board isn't remotely like a checkerboard. I am trying to come up with period games in forms that can be kept in a compact pouch for easy carrying. This is my first, beyond a dice game called 'Farkel,' that I've found that date back several hundred years and could be used in period. With Farkel, all one needs is 6 dice, the rules and a pouch to keep the dice in, so I crocheted a couple of dice pouches for my lord husband and myself so we each have a set. I've another couple of games I want to work on.
     I need to start working on fingerless gloves for Melees. I've begun another piece of mindless 'busy work' for times when I need/want to knit without thinking. ;-)   
     I know this has been a rather crazy accounting of my doings lately. I blame it on too much caffiene, not enough sleep and ADD in general.
-Lady Meresankh Wimhotep

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