[Bordermarch] Newest AOA

David Lathrop dblathrop at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 1 14:29:26 PDT 2010

To Our Bordermarch Family,
It is with greatest pride and pleasure that HE Santiago & I announce our newest 
AOA recipient "Lady Pandora Penncraft." She was actually read into court at 
Malees 2008 but due to unforeseen issues not present. We have held this award 
for two years now and finally had the opportunity to bestow it upon her at 
populace last night.  For those of you who may not know her..she is Santiago's 
deputy chronicler and does an outstanding job putting all the stories pictures 
and information together for our newsletter. If not for her craft and talent 
Santiago's words would be but dust in the wind....

Vivat Lady Pandora so deserved!

Elisabeth et Santiago

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