[Bordermarch] BAM War of the Rams 2013

Lathrop, Dave David.Lathrop at valero.com
Wed May 8 06:49:21 PDT 2013

Greetings Bordermarch,

In case you've not heard, Bordermarch has new Champions!
Duke Aaron MacGregor---Rapier Champion
Biau-douz de la Mare------Chivalric Champion
Madog of Glastonbury-----Archery Champion


Our deepest thanks to our outgoing Champions;
HE Don Armand----Rapier Champion
Sir John of Severn-Chivalric Champion
Eric Greyfox---------Archery Champion


The Coastal Grand Baronials was an event to remember.
HE Elisabeth and I enjoyed the event more than ever due to the fact that the duties were shared between
our good cousins, Loch Soilleir, Stargate, and Ravensfort.

The evening court was great! The B&B's had a chance to snipe at each other in good fun and the four Heralds read
all the new Champion's scrolls at the same time. It sounded like a chorus of Babble.

We will most certainly do this again in two years time.

We are now gearing up to start producing some more world class Baronial newsletters.
This means we need your pictures, stories, recipes, A&S project descriptions, and details about your hopes and dreams.
Lord Phocas is our new Chronicler as well as our Web Minister guy. Any info you've got that you would like to see in the
newsletter can be sent to Phocas at bordermarch.com<mailto:Phocas at bordermarch.com> or Chronicler at bordermarch.com<mailto:Chronicler at bordermarch.com> or me, dblathrop at yahoo.com<mailto:dblathrop at yahoo.com>

Now that we have the Coastal Grand Baronials behind us we will start concentrating on BAM, War of the Rams 2013.
HE Dona Leah will be this year's event steward just because she loves the job so much.
She will be contacting everyone and getting folks signed up to do their part to make this year's event happen.

Start thinking about making more banners. We would like to once again line the road with Ansteorra and baronial
banners in support of our Kingdom. It also looks pretty cool.

Our new chiv Champion,  Lord Biau, is on FIRE! He is already working on some awesome scenarios for the heavy fighting.
We will be choosing a new Equestrian, A&S, adult and youth Bardic, and youth Archery Champion at BAM this year.

Who is going to be our MOC this year? Last year the kids had a ball with the activities. Let's start planning now.

This year we will be closing down only the flushy toilets in the Bath houses.
We will be getting more Porta-potties to compensate for the inconveniences.
This means the Nastycrat will have a pretty easy job at BAM this year. We need someone to coordinate that effort.

Who is volunteering to coordinate Gate this year?

Some clean-up work will be done on the faux stone gates at the front of site and we are thinking of moving gate
up near the faux stone, this will help with traffic control.

We will soon be announcing some dates for pre-event planning meetings.

Sooooo much to do, so little time?

HE Santiago

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