[Bordermarch] BAM Scribal needs

walton dumesnil wdumesnil at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 7 22:52:45 PDT 2015

Hey Scribal folks---
 I need confirmation that these fine folks will be able to assist in our scribal needs for the upcoming BAM:
Ivy Crane James Wickham Hillary Greenslade Sarah Bellian Lisa Baumer Mary Kuehn Melia Ferguson Conrad Sonny Kuehn
I have assigned some work already to those on this list & I am ever grateful...I n no way wish to "put someone on the spot" by including your name on this list...If you wish to be included just comment or pm me please
 So far the assignments are:

• Populace A&S
 Ivy Crane???
• Baronial A&S
 Beau full
• Youth Archer
 Lisa Text;
 Sarah drawing (deadline 9 Oct);
 Painter Melia, Mary, or Sonny (M,M, or S)
• Adult Bard
 Atli Text???;
 Beau drawing;
 M, M, or S - painting
• Youth Bard
 Beau – Text;
 Beau – drawing;
 M, M, or S – Painting
• Equestrian
 Beau – Text;
 Beau – drawing;
 M, M, or S - painting
• Shakey Knees
 Make a youth Combat Shakey Knees;
 Knobby Knees??? For children???
• Bony Fingers
 Making a series of copies (revive scroll)
• Invites???
 Maybe Hillary???
All subjects are open to buy switch or trade...Please feel free to post your wants & needs (just please do so quickly)...Anyone that has the skillsets that are not included here PLEASE voice your willingness to participate...You know who you are wink emoticon ...Self imposed deadlines are mid October-ish
 Your in Service,

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