CR - Central Region Mailing List Focus & House-keeping

Mike C. Baker kihe at
Fri Jan 30 11:18:12 PST 1998

---Paul Mitchell <pmitchel at> wrote:
> Meantime, I'd be delighted to see schedules of local activities and
> upcoming events in the region posted to this list.  I'm pretty sure
> that this is one of the original purposes, wasn't it?

Galen, the primary purpose of this list as originally constituted is
to encourage communications in the Central Region of Ansteorra. 

Scheduling information certainly falls under the category of
"encourage communications".

The list grew directly out of deliberations of the Steppes Internet
Committee. The original proposal was for a barony-centered mail
list, and I happened to be the one who championed extending the
purview to the Region.... One of the requests being made from the
seneschal and other leaders of the Steppes is that the Committee
presents a plan for formal transfer of administrator duties of the
list (and any "official" Steppes web page, or other electronic

Looking ahead, let me state that I have no illusions of maintaining
control or keeping the list administration solely in my hands.
Backup administration has already been provided for. I'll step aside
gracefully when it is time to do so. (Say, about two years from list
start-up, December '99, unless otherwise needful sooner...)

However, now that we seem to have achieved some critical mass, what
do  the *users* of the list want to see, both in content and in
mechanism for future exchange of authority? IOW, how do we determine
which of you will become the next List Admin when it is time? Are
there other long-term planning issues that should be addressed for
maintaining this mailing list? How much input to the process will or
should be given to the Regional officers (seneschal, chronicler)?

And, while I'm droning on about essentially administrative issues,
would somebody please kick the link to Katri's/Ulrica's provider,
and whoever is talking to her let her know that she's missing just
about every other day's traffic? More bounces from fastinet ...

Adieu -- Amra / Pax ... Kihe / TTFN -- Mike
(al-Sayyid) Amr ibn Majid al-Bakri al-Amra  /
Kihe Blackeagle (the Dreamsinger Bard) / 
Mike C. Baker: My opinions are my own -- no one else would want them!
Alt. e-mail: KiheBard at, MikeCBaker at

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