ANST-Announce - Tournament Reports...Lack of...

Kief av Kiersted sirkief at
Wed Apr 26 11:20:54 PDT 2000

Heilsa all my Good and True Neighbors!

I do regret to have to write this missive, however:

NOTE: TOURNAMENT REPORTS: The Earl Marshal is not receiving _any_ Tournament 
Reports! In my 14 months in office I have received no more than 5 Tournament 
Reports. This is unacceptable. The Earl Marshal's policy is now this:

Beginning _15 MAY 2000_ The Marshal-of-Record (usually the Local Marshal) 
must send me a report for each Official Tournament that their group holds 
within 14 days (two weeks) of that tournament. Failure to do so will result 
in a 6-month suspension of tournament activity in that group. This is for 
all Combat Tournaments (Heavy, Rapier, and all Youth Combat).

Forms should be in your hands (local Marshals) or can be found with your 
Regional Marshal, or on-line at

Sorry to be a such a hardcase but I feel this action is now necessary.

As well, please note that the Earl Marshal must be informed of any combat 
related injury (bruises and minor scratches excluded - use your judgement) 
within 48 hours of the injury. A personal face-to-face meeting, telephone 
call, or e-mail is sufficient to inform the Earl Marshal. However, every 
reported and reportable injury must be recorded on an Official Injury Report 
form and sent to the Earl Marshal within 14 days from the date of the 
injury. Please send a copy to the Kingdom Chirurgeon as well. If there are 
follow-up reports on any serious or worsening injury please send them to the 
EM and the Kingdom Chirurgeon as well.

Thank you all for your time and consideration in these matters.

Only YOU can prevent Rhino-hydes...!

Wæs Þu Hæl kinfolk...!
Kief - EM Ansteorra
"Better the Hammer than the nail..."

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