CR - [Fwd: KWHS--Thanks for the fun!] MGreene at
Wed Jun 28 10:52:05 PDT 2000

I wanted to pass along to the Coastal list, some  of the comments off the
Knowne World Heralds list of the event this last weekend at Knowne World
Heraldic Symposium, so you can enjoy their complements of you and the work
you did as volunteers and staff.    Vivat to the folks of the Coast and our
neighbors who made this event a success.   These have been forwarded to me
by a herald of Ansteorra.   Thanks again to you volunteers for all your
hard work...  Hillary

(I will post them as I get them.. so there may be other posting
---------------------- Forwarded by Marsha Greene/MIS/Houston/MPAN on
06/28/2000 12:49 PM ---------------------------

From: Ron Knight <rknight at>
Reply-To: Discussions of SCA Heraldry <SCAHRLDS at LISTSERV.AOL.COM>

Greetings from Modar!

KWHS was fun!!!

It was a delight to meet some of you for the first time,
and to be able to put faces to many of the friends
I've had for years, but never met.

And it was great to meet again with those I have
met before.

For those of you who could not make it, I must say that
you missed a grand time.  As has already been mentioned,
the classes were fantastic, the opportunity to talk and
exchange ideas, and just have fun were great.

And of course getting publically beaten by my own Princess,
plus several others, including Master Bruce will always be
memorable.  (It was for punning--what else?)

Okay, I can't's what got be beaten:


And finally, special thanks to the Canton of Westgate,
the Barony of Westgate and Ansteorra for hosting
the KWHS....and most especially thanks to Her Majesty
Ansteorra and Her Highness Ansteorra for their
hospitality and the time in court to speak on the loss
of our Countess Lenore.

And to all the heralds in the SCA: you're all very special people.
Thanks for letting me be part of you.


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