[Coastal] Thanks

HE Caitrin De Lacy baroness at bordermarch.org
Fri Apr 15 10:51:37 PDT 2005

    It has been so busy since we have returned from Gulf War. I think that I can finally take a breath now.
   I really want to thank everyone who helped with the coastal kitchen and the hospitality pavilion at War this year. With your help we were able to make the task of cooking for a large group a lot easier. 
   We were able to cut down on the cost that each of us spent for meals in the past. I for one know that I did not bring as many items for the kitchen this year as I had in the past. Plus we had delicious meals prepared for us. We were able to share with wonderful friends and have many good conversations.
  The Coastal hospitality pavilion had a spectacular spread of nourishment's which were prepared with love and kindness by our Ladies of the Coast. Those who served, did so most caringly to our fighters and to other fighters within our area. They made sure that those within our reach were well watered, feed and had cool rags to cool off with. Vivat! to the Ladies of the Coast.
Again, I wish to thank all who were able to contribute the food, their time and service to help make this happen.
 I would like to see us do this again next year. We can plan earlier and be more organized. Since the Coast won the War Banner this year I would like to see a bigger hospitality pavilion at the battle field. We should show our unity as the members of the Coastal Region.
 Here within our barony, some of us have been tossing around ideas for a Coastal Banner that would represent all groups within the Coastal Region. How does everyone feel about the Coastal Region having their on banner? This could be used at Wars, Coastal regional combined events, etc.
  Its has been a honor and a privilege working with everyone and I look forward to another time when Coastal can work together.
 Dream Weaver,
Baroness of Bordermarch

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