[Coastal] Gulf War Site

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 9 09:34:47 PDT 2007

Regarding the pole building at Gulf Wars: 
I like the idea of a simple, natural building.  Since we've been on the Coastal land, probaby the
last 12 years, we've used an open sided tent and that seems to work well for most of us.   
So, I don't think we need anything more than an open sided pole and roof building, to be used as
we currently use the tent - a kitchen, dining and hang-out area.  

Tables - We could look into purchasing/making picnic table sets so as to avoid having to haul
tables in the future.  Picnic tables could be left on the site under the 'hall'.  

Size - I don't know what the Bordermarch BFT is, but the pole-hall should be around that size, no
smaller.  Years we have more Coastal folk cooking in that tent, it fills up the tables.  

Sides - the suggestions some have made to giving the building sides, well, sounds like a nice
idea, but it will add additional expense.  We've done without sides to the tents for years, so I'm
thinking we don't need it.   When creating the pole building, we could work into the weight and
stability calculations the option for hanging wall canvas sides (as like on curtain or hooks) if
the wind or rains turn fowl, so we can dine in relative confort.   

FirePit or circle - I'm concerned that space taken by the tables and cooking areas will not
provide enough space left for a firepit.  We've seemed to do fine with a firepit/bardic circle
area out among the trees. 

Kitchen - If we decide to do a permanent structure, could look into eventually installing a
permanent BBQ or wood burning grill.  

Funding - this will be a structure built on private property, so no SCA funds can be used to build
it.  A private savings account could be setup, outside of the SCA, with signatures from a
financial committee.   Fundraisers could be held in the Coastal region events.   
Nova household (the viking buildings) are right next door, and we could offer them use of the
'pole hall', during the off-Gulf War events that Gleann Abhann groups host out there.  Perhaps
Nova will chip in a bit for the use.

In all, I think a pole building is a good idea.  We talk often about the SCA aging, so setting up
and taking down a BFT could be avoided with this permanent building.  The price of a rental tent
seems about the same as the cost of a pole building.  There is no guarantee that the Bordermarch
BFT will be available each year, as there will be wear-n-tear issues to consider in using their
tent.  I say go for the pole building. I'm also willing to open up and maintain a savings account.

There are three coastal events in the next few week.  A meeting of interested parties could be
held to discuss it one evening, with those not on this list. 

Just a few thoughts, Hillary

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