[Coastal] Coastal Land at Gulf War XX

Rebecca Bevel rhbevel at gmail.com
Wed Jan 26 07:13:22 PST 2011

Greetings Coastal Army!

A last minute substitution in Coastal Land Coordinator finds me suddenly in
that enviable position (or is it un-enviable?).

It will take me a bit to get my feet under me and get organized, meanwhile
go ahead and start sending me your information. (Grafgalen at gmail.com)

Ultimately what I would like to see from each person/group camping with us
in Coastal is :

-Number and size of tents, including guy ropes
-Mundane and SCA names of each person
-Registration number of each person
-Date arriving

If you are camping with a group within Coastal (Loch, Stargate, Bordermarch,
household name, etc)
- name of Sub-group
- name of person organizing sub group (if any)
-any general public area tents you hope to include, space allowing (cook
tents, dining pavilions, etc; space will depend on the number of people in
the group and the size of their personal tents)

Space is allotted at 225sq ft per-preregistered person.  If you have people
attend that are not pre-registered please remember that _no_ land will be
allotted for them.

Pre-registration by mail ends on January 31st and electronically by February
18th, so hurry and get yours in!

See you all at the War!

Graf Galen Kirchenbauer
Coastal Land coordinator, Gulf War XX
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