[DFT] correction to Elfsea populace notes

Thora Olafsdottir thoraolafsdottir at juno.com
Mon Jul 22 21:20:40 PDT 2002

Lughnasa  ATTENTION >>>>KNIFE, AXE, AND SPEAR.  Lord Karrick said that he
will be bringing targets and that those involved in that event DO NOT
need to
worry about targets.  Lord Karrick said to contact him with any questions
about the targets.  He is Archery Marshall for Elfsea or Loch Rudh and
said his contact information on the site is current to this date.

A Laurels Circle
has been added to the schedule as has a Kingdom auction OF old Kingdom
regalia and a TRAILER.  Trailer is 5' x 9' covered.

I need to learn not to write email when i am sleepy!!

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