GE - Fwd: Re: Questions about the Contrade event

Talmon Parker tt_ann at
Thu Apr 6 16:51:54 PDT 2000

   You are doing an excelent job for our canton --Vivat!!

>From: "Lady Angharad Rhonddha" <lady_angharad_rhonddha at>
>Reply-To: gatesedge at
>To: gatesedge at
>Subject: GE - Fwd: Re: Questions about the Contrade event
>Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2000 17:01:04 CDT
>Okay folks - we got some answers and I feel much better.
>Looks like we need to put together a planning meeting soon or we could try
>to get together before or after populace.
>In answer to Gwyn's question about theme - possibly we could go with a
>Venice meets the Middle East sort of thing. Lots of opportunity to decorate
>the pavilion with pillows and scarves and floaty thingies.  But, at the 
>time a lovely framework for all of us in whatever personas we choose to 
>  I just happen to have stuff like this.
>We will need some sort of pageantry to present ourselves and our fighters.
>I guess being carried in on a chariot is a little over the top?
>And, we probably will need some sort of personal canton badges to wear and
>some appropriate banners.
>Look forward to seeing folks at the meeting Monday night.
>Lady Angharad
>>From: "Lady Angharad Rhonddha" <lady_angharad_rhonddha at>
>>To: kaitlyn_mckenna at
>>Subject: Re: Questions about the Contrade event
>>Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2000 16:51:01 CDT
>>Thank you so much for your help.  I like the idea of hiring folks with
>>lures of cookies or footrubs........
>>I will forward this information to my group so that we can start planning
>>our participation.
>>And, I too look forward to meeting you.
>>>From: "Kaitlyn McKenna" <kaitlyn_mckenna at>
>>>To: lady_angharad_rhonddha at
>>>Subject: Re: Questions about the Contrade event
>>>Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2000 12:50:08 PDT
>>>Greetings and Fear Not!
>>>Stephan is suffering from being involved in the running of the event and
>>>trying to communicate with y'all as well.  I talked with Seren and 
>>>lady at Southern regional Faire and I think they can give you more info
>>>than Stephan.  Most of what you indicate he incorrect.
>>>>I am coordinating the team from Gate's Edge.  I have tried to determine
>>>>the answers to these questions by reading the website, but perhaps I am
>>>>misinterpreting some information.  I realize that much of the fun of an
>>>>event such as this is reacting to the unexpected and going with the 
>>>>1.  The hiring fair - I understand from a report from our seneschal that
>>>>we must hire our equestrian team member.  Does this apply to any other
>>>>team members?  What "coin" do we use to hire this and other folks?
>>>You may obtain all of your contrade members in whatever fashion you wish
>>>including equestrian.  The hiring faire is simply a place for unattached
>>>people to go to try to find a contrade to compete with.  Sometimes people
>>>from small groups don't have a contrade but they want to compete(fight).
>>>They can get hired through the hiring faire. Also, if your group were to
>>>only have say..2 heavy fighters, but you need more for the 
>>>some ahead of time or try for some at the hiring faire if there are any.
>>>It is only a service for those in need.  As far as what you hire people
>>>with..that's up to you.  If you can get them for some cookies or a foot
>>>rub..go for it.  On site, each contrade will have "coin of the realm" 
>>>which thay can do whatever they want..bribes, hiring, patronage of
>>>>2.  Are there suggested or required skills for team members?  I
>>>>understand from my reading that we should have a "lawyer" in addition to
>>>>our fighting champions
>>>Actually think of it more as a diplomat or senator(one from each
>>>contrade).  A hearing of the senate with the Doge is planned for later in
>>>the day.  The senate will help determine the verdict in the hearing
>>>presented before them.  If a senator discovers some info during the day
>>>that is pertinent..they should say something.  There is a
>>>quest/schtick/storyline happening at the event that contrades can
>>>investigate if they choose.  Mostly it is an excuse to play persona with
>>>each other.  Talk to the might discover something
>>>As for required skills..none.You will need some heave fighters, light
>>>fighters, archers, artisans, performing artists, equestrian or any or all
>>>of these.  It is up to the contrade on what they want to present.  Think
>>>of what a well off family of Venice would have..and what they would want
>>>to show the Doge to convince him they are able administrators of a land
>>>>3.  By what time must our pavilion be set up and staffed - Friday and/or
>>>>Saturday and/or Sunday?
>>>Your headquarters are best set up on Friday, thing are to start very 
>>>on Saturday.  The "show" doesn't start until about 9 or 10am on Saturday.
>>>You must only maintain persona and all in the main areas and after 9am
>>>Saturday.  If you choose to start playing on Friday..have fun..nothing is
>>>required.  The Doge's court to award the land is on Sunday.
>>>>4.  What times do our team coordinator(s) need to be available?  May I
>>>>appoint a deputy or must I be available at all times?  Must I and my
>>>>deputy wear some sort of badge to indicate my position?
>>>For my purposes, a team coordinator is so I know who to send info to 
>>>of time and find out dimensions of pavillions for set up.  At the event,
>>>you  will probably find it useful to have someone in charge, like a coach
>>>of an olympic that when things change..someone makes sure it is
>>>covered.  Messengers will be sent to the contrade headquarters throughout
>>>the day..they will simply drop off the messages..if you have someone in
>>>charge..that is easily will probably get the messages
>>>faster.  Again, nothing is required.  Think of how all of you want to
>>>organize, to present a great show and get things done.  Part of what 
>>>this interesting is seeing how contrades do things differently.
>>>>5. Are there any meetings for team coordinators?  I will be out of town
>>>>from April 19 through 24 but can ask my co-cordinator to attend.
>>>Again, I think this is where Stephan may have people confused since he
>>>isn't part of a contrade, he is on the doge's staff.  There aren't 
>>>ahead of time..some contrade are coming from no where near houston.  I
>>>believe that early Saturday morning we are going to have a last
>>>non-persona meeting before everything gets rolling to answer any last
>>>minute mundane questions like..where is parking.  Each Contrade should
>>>send one person to get any answers they may need.
>>>>Thank you so much for your help.
>>>You are most welcome. I know doing high persona for the first time can be
>>>difficult to understand..but it really is a lot of fun.  Just relax and
>>>play.  This event is centered on playing, not winning.
>>>>Lady Angharad Rhondhha of Glamorgen
>>>>(Rondah Irving-Phelps)
>>>>10278 FM 1097 West
>>>>Willis, TX  77378
>>>>(409) 890-1105 (home)
>>>>(281) 514-0300 (work) - best number
>>>>(281) 773-4547 (cell)
>>>looking forward to seeing you there,
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