[Gatesedge] cooking guild

Phillip Toland p.toland at computer.org
Tue Nov 6 09:41:07 PST 2001

On Tuesday, November 6, 2001, at 06:57 AM, Pam Kendrick wrote:
> Brewing guild may be the charge of Carluccio now, the two were originally
> done together because Ciarin and Cealynn were having them.

Actually, they weren't held together because the principles were married.
They were held together because the guys found it easier to get out and
brew if the gals had something to do at the same time at the same place
and vice-versa. It just made sense. At the end of the day we would be able
to sample all of the excellent food and homebrew.

BTW, Eadric, I don't think we ever had brewing and cooking at the same
time at your place. It only ever really happened once and it was at the ó
Neill Rath.


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