[Gatesedge] Re: Gatesedge Digest, Vol 9, Issue 11

Michael Tucker mtucker at airmail.net
Tue Feb 17 14:33:06 PST 2004

On Tuesday, February 17, 2004, at 03:59  PM, Arwolas at aol.com wrote:

> Dear Sir, would it be possible to get information on events the day 
> BEFORE the event happens? I am not a member of the SCA, but am 
> considering to do so in the nearby future. However, several events I 
> wanted to attend were cancelled and nobody put it into the digest the 
> preceding day. I also didn't know about the Celtic Event until it was 
> too late. how can somebody like myself, who has only a few contacts in 
> your group make a decision whether or not to join SCA, when things she 
> would have liked to attend where not put into this digest? I hope you 
> see my distress and maybe someone could insert those prior to the 
> Event.
> Sincerely yours, Arwen of Imladris

Greetings, m'lady Arwen:

All the events coming up are listed on the Kingdom's web site, which is 

There are links to information for "Newcomers", as well as a 
"Calendar", which is here:

If you're uncertain where an event will be held, many events listed in 
that calendar have links to more information about the event. 
Otherwise, you can find the name of the branch on the Kingdom map.

I hope this helps,
Baron Michael Silverhands, OP
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