[Gatesedge] Cour d'Amour, a success
Mage Prevot
serinoir at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 11 18:57:33 PDT 2004
Greetings all.
Well this year's Cour d'Amour has come and gone, and all that remains are some loose strings to tie up and fond and funny memories. Thanks to those who took up Arthurian personas and played them out. Your creativity and efforts added to the magic of the day. HRH Sir Ulsted the Unsteady was a regal and strong King Arthur, a friend and sometime adversary to Sir Lancelot as represented gallantly by Sir Alexis le Bouche. Gwenevere portrayed by HE Katherine (Katri) de la Feltre was beautiful and charming, and oh so fickled and amused by the attentions of Arthur and Lancelot. Lady Galiana as the Lady of Shallot was a vision of purity and loveliness. Morgan la Fey, our own Lady Fiametta, was up to mischief as was expected, but what a gorgeous trouble maker she made. Several fighter took up arms as knights of the round table and were awe inspiring. Lady Evelun was a lovely sight as the Lady of the Lake with the magnificent sword Excaliber. Thanks to all who participated in the persona play,
you brought true grace and beauty to this game we play, and made it a wonderful spectacle to behold.
The weather was wonderful, breezy and mild with just a touch of mist. Great for our competitors and all who were busy running around or working in the kitchen.
The fighting was awesome and a romantic sight to see, honor and chivalry abounded from all at the list field. The tournament went on a long time and just when you thought our fighters could fight no more, they continued on and fought some melee battles, much to the delight of the spectators.[Special thanks to Lady Gwenhevare Maynard for the loan of many hay bales that made the bridge battle possible.] In the end, Gate's Edge's champion of heavy armoured combat came to be Lord Michael of Gravesend of Stargate.
The ladies gallery was fantastic and was charmingly led by our Queen of Love , Gwenevere. The ladies gallery marvelled at the scenes of courtesy and chivalry and had a difficult task in selecting one amongst the combatants to be our Chevalier d'Amour. In the end the Danish Knight was selected, he was none other than Sir Kief av Kiersted of Ravensfort, for he exemplified and inspired chivalry with all whom he engaged. Huzzah chivalry!
Equestrians rode beautifully and created a wonderful spectacle throughout the day. In the end the equestrian champion was determined to be Lady Lorraine Frasier of Stargate.
The archery range was a creative blend of fun and challenge to the many great archers who competed. The skill of all who participated was truly admirable and inspiring. Alas only one could be chosen as Gate's Edge's champion and he was Lord Fergus d'Onray of Bryn Gwlad.
The brewing competition, Gate's Edge's first ever, went well and was well received, especially by the judges. For their wonderful brewing and vintning skills, Lord Carluccio di Baia of Gate's Edge was awarded the best brewer for his 3 yr old ale, and Lady Ebegardis von Zell of Bryn Gwlad as the best vintner for her wonderful wine and mead. The brewers' and vintners' community are well represented by these two.
The day was fine and the thrown weapons range shady and pleasant and quite a nice set-up thanks to the preparation efforts of Lord Alden Drake who could not attend the event. Alas our Thrown Weapons Champion is...Lord Alden Drake, still. Due to unforseen circumstances, we were unable to select a new champion this event, but will strive to do so in the near future. We shall keep you posted.
Master Ihon Vinson mac Fergus along with a flock of beautiful and handsome songbirds provided a melodious backdrop of song and dance. The glorious sounds wafted all about and was a beautiful accompaniment to the days activities. Thank you all.
I'd like to extend a hearty vivat and many thanks to the event coodinators, they were:
Feast Steward - Lord vaclav Namatko & Lady Vasalisa of Stargate - MKA- Ted & Lisa Kubricht ( wonderfully assisted by Lord Lowen, Lady Ciarnat, Lord Leofwine, and Lady Eslspet.)
Web Site Coordinator - Lady Natalia Auvert MKA Natasha Storfer
Gate Coordinator H.L. Annes von Bamberg Darlene Vandever
Prize Coordinator Lady Gisele de Bier- MKA Pam Kendrick
Set up/Takedown Coordinator Lord Eric Greyfox-MKA Martin Miles
Decorations Coordinator Lady Fiametta Della Rovere - MKA Jill Jackson
Sanitation and Feast RSVP Coordinator Lady Elizabetta di Medici - MKA Maria Buchanan
Ladies Gallery Luncheon & Serving Coordinator H.L. Caitlin nan cnoc Airgeaid MKA- Carolyn Young
Waterbearing Coordinator Lady Sabine du Bois - MKA Sandra Davis
Childrens Activities Coordinator m,lady Allison MKA Lori Wyvill
Brewing Competition Coor. H.L. Eadric Anstapa MKA Scott Mills
Bardic Workshop/Circle Coor. m'Lord Brian O'UilliamMKA Brian Butler
Heralds Coordinator Lady Groa Ulfsdottir - MKA Stacy Hall
Archery MIC Lord Carluccio di Baia MKA- Chad Sweeten
Equestriam MIC Lady Lorraine Frasier MKA Laura Betenbaugh
Armoured Combat MIC Lord Dolfin of Cork MKA Tony Hallman
Award Scroll/Invitations Lady Aylwin of Holbrook- MKA Tammi Hallman
& Lady Klar of the Misty Vale
These folks are great and great to work with, thank you all so much for your hard work and efforts.
Many thanks also to the folks who showed up and stuck around for set up and cleanup. Lord Paidriac, Lord Tora,Lady Fiametta, Lady Gisele, m'lord Robert (Neil), m'lady Rochelle (who also water-beared all day, thanks), m'lord Jean-Claude, Lord Brongaar, m'Lord Engenulf, m'Lord Colin, Lady Sabine, Lord Eadric and his honored guests, Lord Iaen, Lord Carluccio, Lady Alisstassia, Lady Maria, Lord Lowen (who also worked in the kitchen from Friday pm until Sunday morning), Lady Mea, and Don Cristoforo. You all made set-up and clean-up fast and efficient.
Last, but certainly not least, I'd like to thank two very important people. You contributed thoughts and ideas, made phone calls and e-mails, you shopped, planned, painted, cut, packed, hauled, schlepped, set-up, took down, water-beared, fought, and were at my side always.
First, my Scarlet Sister, dear friend and co-steward Lady Evelun Lambert. Your love and knowledge of the Arthurian legend gave "life" to this event. You worked so hard and without you, your time and generosity (great swords by the way), I alone would not have been able to have brought this event to it's fruition. You have my eternal gratitude.
Second and dearest of all, my husband Lord Bowen. You kept me sane and in good spirits. Your hard work and efforts kept me on schedule. You did so much and expected no credit or official recognition in return. You contributed no less than I, and rested no more than I, but remained strong and supportive of me. I love you and thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I observed the work, participation, and generosity of many, so I beg forgiveness to any I did not mention, but hope that you will know that the Shire of Gate's Edge is thankful for your support.
In service to the Dream,
Lady Rixende la Serin Noir
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