[Gatesedge] You, Yes You, Can Help With Fighter Support!

Ciarnat Ciarnat at consolidated.net
Thu Feb 24 14:46:19 PST 2011

SCA Sisters & Brothers,

     Empty 2 liter soft drink bottles are urgently needed for Fighter
Support at Gulf Wars XX.  Please rinse, drain till dry and save all empty
bottles.  Bring to Gulf Wars and drop off in marked containers at Fighter
Support main point (usually located on Hastings Field).  The bottles will be
used to refresh tired and thirsty fighters, marshals and spectators.  Let us
show our support for the fine job that the Fighter Support (formerly
Waterbearing) volunteers do by helping them gather a large number of
bottles.  Well-hydrated war attendees & participants are less likely to have
a heat-related reason to visit the chiurgeon station.

    Also, please consider volunteering some time at Fighter Support, or one
of the other bunches of stations or jobs that help the workings of Gulf
Wars:  the watch, nastycrat, the gate, parking, etc.  Please go to Volunteer
Point, look at the schedule of job slots, choose one or more and jump right
in to help out.  You may meet your next best friend while helping at the
war.  Ansteorra could possibly beat Gleann Abhann, Meridies & Trimaris in
volunteer points.

    Travel safe & be smiling ambassadors representing the great kingdom of

    In Service,

Hospitaler, Stargate

  All meaningful change begins with the right aspirations--Ken Yamashita
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