[Gatesedge] GE Trebuchet Tarts Interested Parties Meeting

Darlene Burns annescvb at gmail.com
Sat Feb 26 07:58:49 PST 2011

Sorry for not thinking of the list until just now. I know many will have
already made other plans.


Tonight at 6 pm at the home of our Minister of Arts & Sciences, Lady Gisele
de Biere, will be the first meeting of the Gatesedge Trebuchet Tarts
Interested Parties. This is an hour long meeting to determine several

1. Is there an interest within the shire to have one or more seige engine
2. If the interest is there, how can this be accomplished and what sort of
seige weapons will we explore?

If you can attend, I know of at least 7 who have said that they do intend to
be there. If you need directions, email myself or Lady Gisele.

Hope to see you there.
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