[Gatesedge] Report on Round Table
Darlene Burns
annescvb at gmail.com
Mon Jul 20 06:33:40 PDT 2015
Thanks...Probably you are right.
On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 8:26 AM, Monaleekr <monaleekr at gmail.com> wrote:
> The check was for volunteer hours at Gulf Wars I believe.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 20, 2015, at 8:10 AM, Darlene Burns <annescvb at gmail.com> wrote:
> Copied verbatum from Facebook per kingdom policy
> Okay...Round Table...Things to know-And there are LOTS of them...And some
> 1. Waivers for any event, practice, demo or anything you have to have folk
> sign waivers for...are now due **10 DAYS** after the event to the waiver
> secretary. That was the big news of the day.
> 2. At the open GOofS meeting, Her Majesty urged that people do recommend
> folk for awards. She said they had only 10 award recs this week and
> normally get 4 times that amount. She said not to be intimidated by the
> form...fill in as much as you can, She said the only things that *HAD* to
> be there was your name and a way to contact you and your best guess at the
> spelling of their SCA name. She also said that if you just don't like the
> form, email them. If you don't have email, call them. If you don't have a
> phone, send them a letter. They really want award recs!!!
> 3. Elsa, Kingdom Exchequer, had a check for Gate's Edge (I don't know for
> what) which I failed to pick up. Sorry Pamela
> <https://www.facebook.com/pamela.buchanankendrick>...you might want to
> ask her about it.
> 4. The new kingdom webminister, Duchess Gwen, is going to be working on
> updating and changing the Ansteorra website to make it more user friendly
> and appealing. She has had 200 people respond to her survey about it. If
> you haven't seen it or taken her survey, I will post the link in the first
> comment below.
> 5. The new earl marshal, HG Sir John Paul de Sens, and the kingdom rapier
> marshal, HE Don Avery Shaw, were both very helpful in resolving our issues
> with reporting. On the urging of JP, we tried the online reporting system
> again which had refused to take reports for us for (mumble mumble) months.
> Don't know what HG had done to the site but it worked for us again! Yay! As
> far as we know, we are all caught up on our marshalate reporting. Miracles
> never cease.
> 6. Croaker, the new waiver secretary, should now also have all of the
> marshal's waiver reports. Our event should now be in fine shape.
> 7. My class as historian went very well with 6 attending.
> 8. At the open GOofS meeting and in almost every class I took, it was said
> that by the end of this year, ALL officers at EVERY level were to stop
> using their personal emails for society business and get a @ansteorra.org
> <http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fansteorra.org%2F&h=GAQFUnvGD&enc=AZPjRv3Go3-Jzm8r13Wq33mfJF-uiSxwbpFZlVKnARgmShGvBFNwNoZqdN3N4w9qOSwCkHZGrghAiy1xF2ugdCa8oDbZNWPDf0h0pmQJEz5d3oVKPX7ZEqSW1q0FO4Awi41VRZm9sF30d1S5ad10fKIP1GnxXE1DQ14Eo9tedU7ySA&s=1> email
> address from Kingdom. I think most of us are good on that but I need to
> check about the chatelain's position.
> 10. At the open GOofS meeting it was emphasised over and over that
> Brian O'Ullium, said that FB is fine for getting the word out on something
> but it MUST be also posted to the legal means of communication such as the
> ansteorra email lists and the newsletter. He also said that if you post
> something on FB in an official capacity as an officer, be sure to sign it
> with your position and name such as "Annes, Shire Chatelain". That being
> said, once I finish composing this here...I will copy and paste it in an
> email to our mailing list.
> 11. Events posted to facebook which are not included in posts to the legal
> means of communication such as practices, events and guild meetings, are
> not following policy and may not be covered by liability (My interpretation
> of what was said about postings. We need to ask Don Brian about that.) If
> so and my interpretation is correct, we need to be very careful to make
> sure it gets posted to our Gate's Edge mailing list.
> 12. There is a new social media person but I don't remember who. Dang it.
> I'll try to remember to ask Don Brian and post it later.
> This is all I'm remembering at the moment. I may edit this later with
> additional information.
> Darlene Burns <https://www.facebook.com/annescvb>, Shire
> Chatelain...reporting on the June 18th Round Table in Denton Texas
> Duchess Gwen's Survey link
> http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/2233340/User-Survey-of-Ansteorra-org
> --
> Annes
> "Munerius Ultra Sanitas"
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"Munerius Ultra Sanitas"
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