[Gatesedge] 25th Anniversary Celebration for The Shire of Gates Edge

Trisha cinnamon_gurl at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jul 21 15:56:51 PDT 2015

Good Day to the Stellar Kingdom of Ansteorra,
The Shire of Gates Edge is having its 25th Anniversary Celebration.
As the class coordinator for this amazing event, I am looking for those who want to teach or have never had the opportunity to but would like one.
There is space outdoors for classes (Dyeing, Stone carving, blacksmithing etc..) and there are rooms inside the facility as well (weaving, leatherworking, Illumination, fiber and garb making etc..)
Please contact me with all your information so we can get a class schedule organized.
Lady Grania O’Mora
moas at gatesedge.ansteorra.org

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