[Hellsgate] [Bryn-gwlad] Candlemas & Baronial Investiture

Ronald Blackman eirik at hot.rr.com
Tue Dec 14 04:53:58 PST 2010

This answers some questions that new folks may have if they haven't been to
an event yet.




From: bryn-gwlad-bounces+eirik=hot.rr.com at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:bryn-gwlad-bounces+eirik=hot.rr.com at lists.ansteorra.org] On Behalf
Of Elisabeth B. Zakes
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 4:40 PM
To: Barony of Bryn Gwlad
Subject: Re: [Bryn-gwlad] Candlemas & Baronial Investiture


On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 16:05, CJ Sheppler <cjsheppler at gmail.com> wrote:

As  New person in the Barony, I have some questions!

Welcome! You'll probably get a ton of answers. We're a chatty bunch. :)

What is it? 

Candlemas is a fairly-to-very formal event that Bryn Gwlad hosts every
February -- usually the first Saturday in Feb. We've been doing that since
before Bryn Gwlad was a Barony. We trot out our fine clothes, participate in
various activities (depending on the plans of the stewards and sub-stewards
-- might be classes, an A&S display/competition, bardic challenges, etc.),
and indulge in a wondrous feast. The Baron and Baroness hold court at some
point during the day or evening.

What's it about?

That depends on what's being planned. This year it's a themed event, aiming
at a specific date and place in period, and everyone is encouraged (though
not required) to wear clothes appropriate to the theme. Once the website
gets up and the Steward starts sending out announcements, this will become
more clear.

What should we expect?

You should expect to see lots of finely-dressed folks, be served a sumptuous
dinner, and have lots of very interesting people to talk to. If you like
handwork (sewing, spinning, finger-twiddling), by all means bring it along.
You will likely have periods of sitting and talking.

What is expected of us?  Such as... I am hearing a lot of whispers about
wardrobe and it seems to be a big deal for this event?

Again, while dressing for the theme is encouraged, it is certainly not
required. Don't stress if your time/budget/research/personal preferences
lead you in a different direction.

Is it another pot lock style event or is  there a Feast served?

Almost always it's a served dinner. You should bring plates, bowls, cups,
knife/fork/spoon, something to drink, and anything else you think you will
need. Tablecloths are commonly provided by the Barony for this event, but
bringing one of your own, if you have one, wouldn't hurt as a backup. And
table decorations (runner, centrepiece, candles, etc.) always make the table
look more festive. Check with the Head Cook to see if you might run into any
dietary issues.

Is there  a Site/Event Fee?

Yes. That information should be forthcoming shortly. There is a pre-pay
system, called ACCEPS, which makes registration a little more sure, but they
charge a small fee for the convenience. 

Thanks so much!

At your service!

Aethelyan Moondragon

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