ANSTHRLD - Re: Conflict Check

Timothy A. McDaniel tmcd at
Tue Oct 17 07:58:16 PDT 2000

(Cross-threading between two mailing lists.)

Teceangl <tierna at> wrote:
> Cahira (original querient) wrote:
> > Per chevron, per pale sable and purpure and Or
> Actually, you want the comma a little later in the blazon:
>    Per chevron per pale sable and purpure, and Or.

No punctuation is needed.  "Per X" requires two tincture
specifications, so
those two and
    Per chevron per pale sable and purpure and Or.
are all unambiguously parseable as

                             Per chevron
                               /       \ 
                          Per pale      Or
                           /   \
                       sable   purpure

You may choose to see one of them as clearer than the others.  I find
a comma in the middle of the field specification to be intrusive in
general, so I prefer the form without punctuation.  I think it was
Tadhg Liath who said that punctuation is as fatal in blazon as it is
in law.

> It's not per pall inverted, though.  It's half Or, the other half
> being evenly divided between sable and purpure.  This is definitely
> different from per pall inverted

Poppycock.  Piffle, even.  If you do an early-period "per chevron",
with the really steep sides, I would be hard-pressed to see it or
blazon it as "per pall inverted", but if you do a later-period shallow
"per chevron", I'd be hard-pressed to tell the difference between the
two -- the "per chev per pale" would just look a little enhanced, and
the tapering of the bottom of the shield prevents the "per chev" from
really looking like half the field.

A prudent conflict-checker will check both.

Come to think of it, I think we had just this case in the Ansteorran
internal letter a few months ago.  If dim memory serves, the Bryn
Gwlad group considered it "per pall inverted [a little bit enhanced]"
and checked for conflict based on that.

Daniel de Lincolia
Tim McDaniel is tmcd at; if that fail,
    tmcd at is my work account.
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