[ANSTHRLD] Shires and Thank Yous

Joseph Percer jpercer at gmail.com
Sun Nov 13 12:51:22 PST 2005

Lord Iaen,


I wasn't asking Star to weigh in on Guardians or Bella Luce. The Shire of
Seawinds has the Company of the Sable Ram, which recognizes people for
exceptional service. It is somewhat similar to the Guardians of the Gate,
only, the Shire is usually not polled. The company members make the
selections on their own. I was simply asking Star for her opinion.. Sorry
for any confusion my post might've made.




-----Original Message-----
From: heralds-bounces+jpercer=gmail.com at ansteorra.org
[mailto:heralds-bounces+jpercer=gmail.com at ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of John
Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2005 2:32 PM
To: Heralds List, Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA,Inc.
Subject: Re: [ANSTHRLD] Shires and Thank Yous


Jayme, yes they go back to the days of the Canton of Gates Edge.  However,
before this gets to a point of people saying no you can not have them let me
explain.  These are not nor have ever intended to be orders.  They are
simply a recognition of select people within the shire by others.  The
Guardians of the Gate is giving by those who have received it before to one
that they feel has shown that they are an example of what we believe one
should put forth as a member of the shire.  Candidates are chosen only by
those previously acknowledged.  The shire is asked to suggest possible
candidates but the final vote is by former Guardians.  It carries absolutely
no precedence what so ever.  Never has and never will.  One of the reason we
do not call ourselves a order.  The Bella Luce is a scroll or token given by
the group seneschal to the artisan/s that he/she feels has done the most
work in the artistic fields for the shire.  Once again the Seneschal may ask
the populace for suggestions but is not required to pick from those.
Neither of these are given out every year.  Some years they may have
multiple people given these.  The medallions given out were originally made
by Baroness Adelicia Braebent, hand painted and paid for out of her own
pocket.  Mistress Annes Clotilde von Bamberg has made the last set that was
given out I believe, again paid for by herself.  The Bella Luce's given out
have also been paid for or donated by a member of the shire or the
Seneschal.  We who are been given these do wear them with pride as they are
given by our peers within the Shire but know that they bear naught outside
of our little group.  With the above explanation I believe that it can been
seen that we meet Kihe definition on B and C.  I hope this clears things up
and thank you for the time to explain this.  


Lord Iaen Mor

Shire of Gates Edge

John Moore

----- Original Message ----- 

From: Joseph Percer <mailto:jpercer at gmail.com>  

To: 'Heralds <mailto:heralds at ansteorra.org>  List, Kingdom of Ansteorra -

Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2005 1:06 PM

Subject: RE: [ANSTHRLD] Shires and Thank Yous


I would wager those stem from the days when Gate's Edge was part of
Stargate. However, I couldn't say for sure. Star, if you're out there, can
you weigh in on this?





-----Original Message-----
From: heralds-bounces+jpercer=gmail.com at ansteorra.org
[mailto:heralds-bounces+jpercer=gmail.com at ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Maria
Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2005 10:37 AM
To: Heralds List, Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA,Inc.
Subject: Re: [ANSTHRLD] Shires and Thank Yous




I'm a little confused then.  The Shire of Gate's Edge has 2 orders, the
Guardians of the Gate (given for serice to the Shire) and the Bella Luce
(given for A&S service and abilities).  They are both non-armigerous.  The
Guardian was created many years ago when Gate's Edge was just a Canton.  


It sounds like the order Prudence is talking about would be exactly like the
Guardian of the Gate award that we give out.  If it's not please explain the
difference.  I read her question and thought immediatly of the Guardian.  


In Service to the Dream,
Lady Elizabeta Maria dei Medici
Maria Buchanan
Official Worrier of House Starfire
Hospitaler - Barony of the Stargate
Hospitaler - Shire of Gate's Edge
In the Stellar Kingdom of Ansteorra

----- Original Message ----- 

From: Mike C. Baker / Kihe Blackeagle <mailto:kihebard at hotmail.com>  

To: Heralds List, <mailto:heralds at ansteorra.org>  Kingdom of Ansteorra -

Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2005 1:06 AM

Subject: Re: [ANSTHRLD] Shires and Thank Yous


You've got it exactly and precisely so, Prudence.  <f/x: waving "Hi!" -
we've met in Robin of Gilwell's living room...>  

In fact, I, and through me the Shire of Moonschadowe, got slapped reasonably
gently for trying to institute something similar [MUMBLE] years ago...


That being said, THERE ARE OTHER WAYS!  

(A) Write award recommendations and submit them *as individuals* (at least
at first) to the appropriate authorities:  the Crown, regional superiors,
Kingdom superiors.

(B) Give wordfame in meetings, at events attended, etc.  (B-Plus)
Memorialize their efforts / achievements in poem, tune, tale and get same
distributed "appropriately"

(C) As a collection of individuals, separate from existence as branch
officers and NOT using branch funds, give the individual it is desired to
honor a nifty neat narfgobbler or batwangler or other whatsit -- accompanied
by appropriate flowery words, which it is possible to render in the form of
a scroll... 


Distinction is that if the people of the shire do (B) or (C) nothing
immediately gets reflected in the Order of Precedence.  Enough people going
through (A), the recommendation process over time builds a reputation beyond
the immediate group, and the cumulative effect is recognition by the
appropriate precedence-carrying (or specifically NON-precedence-carrying)
award.  (The Lion of Ansteorra technically carries no precedence in the
Order of Precedence, does not confer an AoA if the recipient doesn't already
have one, etc.  [paraphrasing Robin of Gilwell, current Oakenwald Purs.:] It
is therefore among the most coveted actively-given awards in the Kingdom of
Ansteorra, and is recognized throughout most of the Known World as being
terribly and wonderfully important.)


Adieu, Amra / ttfn - Mike / Pax ... Kihe 

Mike C. Baker
SCA: al-Sayyid Amr ibn Majid al-Bakri al-Amra
"Other": Reverend Kihe Blackeagle PULC (the DreamSinger Bard)
Opinions? I'm FULL of 'em
alt. e-mail: KiheBard at hotmail.com OR MCBaker216 at cs.com
   Buy my writings!:   http://www.lulu.com/WizardsDen

----- Original Message ----- 

From: prudencecurious at netscape.net 

To: heralds at ansteorra.org 

Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2005 10:07 PM

Subject: [ANSTHRLD] Shires and Thank Yous


Greetings all,


I want to double check some information.  


At my last shire meeting, they talked about creating an award of some sort
to thank people for their good deeds, something far short of an AOA.


Now, from my experience in the East Kingdom, this is NOT DONE.  (My shire
back East got slapped six ways to Thursday for giving out a thank you.)  In
no uncertain terms we were informed that shires cannot give out awards or
orders, that is reserved for the Crown and Baronies; and if we want to give
out awards, we better become a barony.  It was highly recommended to my old
shire that it does absolute nothing that even has the APPEARANCE of an award
or order.


I toned this down a lot and said it in the business meeting for my new
shire; it was my first official meeting as acting herald and I hope I
imparted correct information. That is: "a shire cannot give out awards or
orders, that is reserved for the Crown and Baronies."  Is this correct in


Ever a Servant,


Lady Prudence the Curious

Acting Herald of the Shire of Emerald Keep


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