[ANSTHRLD] baronial service awards

Alden Drake alden_drake at sbcglobal.net
Wed May 9 13:53:53 PDT 2007

Mike Wyvill wrote:
> i think the first step in getting missing award data under control would 
> devolve on those like me, the local branch herald. I am planning on 
> addressing this in our next populace meeting. To make sure that all records 
> are updated as much as possible. I for example am listed as not having a 
> device or name although both were registered May of 2005. We have several 
> members from different branches in the Kingdom or even different Kingdoms 
> altogether. And to begin to keep an updated local OP as well.
Good plan!  Then you, as the local herald, can collate the errors and 
work with Zodiacus to get them fixed. :)


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