HERB - Antique Roses

N.D. Wederstrandt nweders at mail.utexas.edu
Fri Aug 21 09:38:39 PDT 1998

 I thought I'd pass this information on as it relates to antique roses
including those grown in the Middle Ages.  I don't know if other area of
the Knowne World have similar groups but maybe it will assist people in the
Ansteorran area.  Gardening whether herbal, or regular is fascinating for
me.  These people have intrigqued me for quite a while.

	"Thank you for your inquiry about The Texas Rose Rustlers. We are an
organization of people interested in the preservation, growing,
propagating and identification of old garden roses. We have a quarterly
newsletter, a Spring Symposium and a Fall "rose rustle". We welcome
members from everywhere who are interested in these pursuits. Membership
costs $7.00 a year for members in the United States and slightly higher
for those out of the country.

We, unfortunately, do not have printed material for distribution other
than our newsletter, and we do not have a catalog as we do not sell
roses. We DO swap cuttings at our meetings.

For those interested in joining our group, please send in the form below
along with $7.00, check or money order to --

        Lucille Idom
        13106 Blythe
        Houston, Texas 77015"

	I have several antiques roses including an Eglantine or sweet briar
rose.  I also just bought a rugosa rose for hips and petals at a really
good rate.  I don't know if anyone else is interested in old roses but they
are fairly easy to grow.....


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