HERB - yohimbe

Sandy M Koenig ravensmk at juno.com
Sat May 16 22:11:52 PDT 1998

On Sat, 16 May 1998 17:24:46 -0700 Diana Habra <dch at inreach.com> writes:
>knotwork at juno.com wrote:
>> Why is it that so many of us (especially in the SCA) need to lose so
>> much
>> weight?  I wouldn't mind dropping 100 lbs. or so myself.  I have 
>> most of my life on diets, alternating with "body self acceptance"
>> therapy.  God and I both love me as I am, but for my health's sake I
>> really need to lose.
>Dear List,
>I feel that there are many reasons for Americans being over their 
>weight".  As someone mentioned, metabolism plays into it and so does 
>modern, sedentery lifestyle.  But mostly I think our weight problems 
>due to psychological hurdles.  I know mine were!!  For many of us, 
>stem from childhood and a lack of the love/attention that we needed.  
>my mother stated recently, "food always loves you."  And I think alot 
>us see it that way.
>In the SCA, we are much more accepting about how people look than the
>general population is.  A large woman is not thought of as a slob, or
>unwomanly.  She is thought of as VERY womanly and seen more for her
>feminity and talents rather than for the fact that she wears a size 
>22 or whatever.  And a large man is thought of as strong and huggable.
>The SCA tends to attract overweight people for just these reasons.
>And, let's face it.  We are an odd group of people who tend to be 
>intelligent.  WE realize that there is more to a book than its cover.
>And we are more interested in what is on the inside than what is on 
>outside.  And you know, I have met a great number of overweight people
>who feel good about themselves now who before had only felt ashamed 
>been subject to scorn and ridicule.  (I'm one of them).
>So we may have collective weight to lose (in the SCA), but at least we
>know that in the meantime, we are still loved, respected, and 
>Cheers to us for showing the rest of socitey how it SHOULD be!!
>Roseline d'Anjou
>West Kingdom

Vivat Roseline
>From Raven
also a big lovable woman

Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore"

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