HERB - Banckes herbal question

Jenne Heise jenne at tulgey.browser.net
Mon Nov 30 13:58:19 PST 1998

On Mon, 30 Nov 1998, Gaylin Walli wrote:

> Lacking the original in front of me (and still waiting for interlibrary
> loan) can anyone tell me the organization of the information in the
> Banckes herbal? 

Banckes herbal is organized by plants, but a couple of the plants are
listed twice... The recipes are given in the plant entries. 
The editor of the volume I've borrowed from the library believes that two
different authors worked on the volume, which accounts for hte doubled

Jadwiga Zajaczkowa (Shire of Eisental; HERMS Cyclonus), mka Jennifer Heise	
jenne at tulgey.browser.net

"Healing the universe is an inside job." 

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