HERB - preparing for winter

khkeeler kkeeler at unlinfo.unl.edu
Tue Sep 22 14:59:51 PDT 1998

>How did they prepare things for winter in Period?
asks Jasmine
I thought that most plants in Period were overwintered in the ground,
perhaps well-mulched.  I came to that conclusion because the recipes
often call for the leaf of e.g. plantain, without specifying fresh or
dry.  So I presumed you could always  get it fresh.
  Partly I reacted that way because the Chinese herbal pharmacy is
always dried.
  Part of the difference is rural/urban of course.  The earlier period
herbals are going to assume you grow it, later (and in China) there are
big urban populations who have to purchase herbs.  

England at least is mild enough that most winters that will work for
plantain and broccoli--but of course there are sensitive mediterranean
things in the pharmacopiea.

More later
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