HERB - Re: Urine for clothes

Christine A Seelye-King mermayde at juno.com
Sat Feb 13 19:19:03 PST 1999

There is a section in Jean Auel's book "The Mammoth Hunters" where the
protagonist is being taught how to make white leather.   The main secret
is collecting morning urine, and using it to treat the leather, and
producing a white skin.  
On Sun, 14 Feb 1999 08:02:05 -0600 Mike and Pat Luco <mikel at pdq.net>
>I don't remember if I read this or heard it at a weavers guild 
>meeting, but in
>the MA they used to collect urine in the ale houses for washing and 
>setting the
>colors in wool/flax.  During these times the populace were encouraged 
>not to
>eat strong veggies (like garlic or onions) to keep the urine pure and 
>not foul
>smelling.  The urea is a natural sufactant and mordant that helps set 
>colors into the fibers.  Thankgoodness for modern alchemy (chemistry) 
>helping us to be able to color our clothes without taking collections 
>from the
>Henri and Antea
>Kingdom of Ansteorra, Barony Stargate
>Purveyors of fine herbs and spices
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