HERB - Herbal Cold & Flu Care

Carl/Anne Adamczyk ladygrania at juno.com
Sun Jan 24 18:44:43 PST 1999

The one and only method I use to keep well in the cold and flu season,
despite being coughed on, sneezed at and generally inundated by patients
suffering severely from colds, sinusitis and influenza is (drum roll
please) wash my hands, wash my hands, wash until I don't have any skin
left on my hands.  This season has been pretty vicious since the holidays
and I theorize that most of these illnesses start with one snotty kid at
a holiday party.  The family members who don't get sick are those who
take the time to wash hands and keep those same hands away from their
face.  All others get infected full blown and take the bugs to
work/school or where ever further spreading the infection.  Not a pretty

Just a theory based on observations in a family practice which is very
overworked so far because of the flu and colds.


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