HERB - Re: Herbal Cold & Flu Care

Gaylin Walli gwalli at infoengine.com
Thu Jan 28 06:38:13 PST 1999

Julie wrote:
>I drink an immune tea, which is a mixture of:Echinacea,Nettles,
>Coltsfoot, Comfrey, Red Clover, Alfalfa, Peppermint, and Stevia.  I
>drink it daily and have noticed that I am not sick this year as I was
>last year.  This could also be to the possiblity that there are fewer
>germs or viruses this year, I don't know.

You should seriously consider altering your formula, m'lady.
Daily consumption of Comrey is not safe according to the
current scientific research on the plant. I have not the
information with me at this time, but I would be happy to
bring in the research information that will tell you exactly
why internal daily consumption of Comfrey should be stopped.

If someone else has the information handy, please do post it.
I'm thinking in particular of an article printed in either
the Herb Companion or Herbs for Health that described some of
the most recent studies on the plant. It may have been more
than a year ago (even 2 or 3) that I read the article, but
in that time I've read nothing that contradicts the findings
in the scientific community.

On another note, where did you find your Stevia? I've looked in
the local stores (health food) and have not been able to find
more than small packets of it. Granted, you need only a little
to sweeten a LOT of substance, but I'd like something larger
than a sugar packet if I'm going to pay that kind of money for

Iasmin Isabella Maria Magdelena de Cordoba, Midrealm
jasmine at infoengine.com or gwalli at infoengine.com
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