HERB - Early menopause (long)

lklc lklc at prodigy.net
Sun Apr 16 04:56:50 PDT 2000

----- Original Message -----
From: Walter J. Wakefield <wjwakefield at juno.com>
To: <herbalist at ansteorra.org>
Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2000 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: HERB - Early menopause (long)

> I have decided menopause is an on-going process - I just haven't
> determined how on-going.  I started having hot flashes around age 44, but
> did not stop having periods until age 48.  I am still having hot flashes,
Officially, in medical parlance, this is referred to as perimenopause.
Menopause (medically speaking) is when you have finally missed 3 successive
periods in a row.  Testing can be done for alteration in hormone levels.
However, this is tricky as the clinical ordering and interpreting the
results must take into account when during your cycle the test is performed.
And it is not definitive.

Now that said, it doesn't take a MD to tell most of us we are going through
this.  If you want an IDEA when this might end find out what age your mother
finally stopped.  (There is a genetic correlation for most of us)

Sometimes it is the perception of other's that we are bitchier.  They use
this against us the same way they used our periods.  My moods were seldom
related to my cycles.  However, people especially men (sorry guys) tend to
say we must be on our period or it must be menopause when WE say something
they don't want to hear. (I find it's an attitude they cop) .  Sometimes we
buy into this.  That is not to say hormone related moods don't exist.  I
usually can tell when my mood is hormone related.  Perhaps your impatience
with stupidity is just that.
 I don't have
> them.  Mother said she had hot flashes for over 10 years - at the time it
> seemed like forever.  And several of the women in my (mundane) herb club
> have commented on how irritable they have become.  Most people I know say
> I have always been cranky, but it is worse now - I have *NO* patience
> with general stupidity, which there seems to be more of these days.

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