HERB - Can anyone help?

Carper, Rachel Rachel.Carper at compaq.com
Wed Apr 26 19:28:43 PDT 2000

	>From what I remeber from skimming through the book my husband
	>two weeks ago(The Medieval Leper - I can get more information on 
	>it), there wasn't much they could do for leprosy. They hadn't 
	>figured out it was a bacteria, but they did know it tended to run

Oooh. And I'm do for a new book!  I have a kinda strange question. I'm
trying to investigate the tourney circuit, when all the knights were off
fighting in tourney's to earn  money. What I was specifically interested in
was what kind of food was available to these men. And who traveled with
them. Did their family? 

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