HERB - Lambsear? question

Katherine Blackthorne kblackthorne at midtown.net
Fri Jun 9 16:03:05 PDT 2000

My fiancé's 8-year-old brother made a contribution to my garden a couple
months ago.  An avid gardner himself, he offered me a pot of what I took
to be lambs' ears from his own yard.

They had long, silvery-grey, furry, finger-shaped leaves, and in all
ways looked like the plant I have learned to call Lambs' Ears.  Then, a
couple weeks ago, they sent up stalks of bright fuscia 5-petaled
flowers.  (Quite pretty.)  I've never heard of Lambs' Ears doing this!
His mother offered that she thought the plant might be "Rose Cuniculus"
(I'm sure I've mis-spelled that, but I'm going by pronunciation), but
she wasn't sure.  She wasn't even too sure of the name.

Now, I'm dealing with common names here, and I realize that's a
drawback.  And I mostly know Lamb's Ears (which we nicknamed Bunny Ears
and TC Ears -- in honor of our chihuahua) from other people's gardens --
maybe they have ornamental flowers that I just didn't know about... But
does anyone know what I have in my garden?!?

--Katherine Blackthorne
Golden Rivers, Cynagua, The West

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