HERB - Sekanjabin

Christina Octas at mmcable.com
Thu Mar 2 17:27:58 PST 2000


What do you use this syrup for?  (sorry novice)

>         Hookay, here it is: put 2 1/2 cups water into a saucepan, add 4
> cups sugar, bring to a boil while stirring to dissolve sugar.  Add 1 cup
> wine vinegar, lower heat to simmer & let cook for 20 minutes.  Remove
> from heat, add 6 sprigs fresh mint (or several tablespoons dried mint, or
> 6 Celestial Seasonings tea bags - spearmint is best, but Peppermint also
> works).  Let cool & strain, then bottle syrup.  Dilute with cold water, 1
> part syrup to 12 parts water.
> -Caro (this is the basic recipe we use in our shire.  We've also had
> orange sekanjabin, and I have a recipe for pomegranate sekanjabin I
> cannot *wait* to try!  Also, one shire member collects wild mints, and
> just cooks the beejeebers out of them - I didn't get to try that batch,
> but I heard it was yummy!)
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