HERB - Ointment, Balm, Salve Recipes??

Jenne Heise jenne at tulgey.browser.net
Sun May 7 16:11:43 PDT 2000

On Mon, 1 May 2000, Elizabeth Zagula wrote:

> A fellow Artemisian who happens to be a librarian copied two chapters of
> "Perfume Through the Ages" for me.  The two chapters I have are Chapter 8: 
> Perfumes of Europe-From Charlemagne to Napoleon and Chapter 9:  The Scents
> and Smells of Early England.  Lots of great information with many quotes
> from a large variety of period sources.  No recipes for ointments, salves,
> or balms.  

I've looked through the whole thing over the weekend and didn't find
anything useful on period recipes tathat I could trust...

>It also discusses Hungary Water from 1370 as appearing in a
> story from Beckmann's History of Invention, translated and published in
> 1639.  I have read your handout on your efforts to document Hungary Water
> and question some of the information in the two chapters I have.  I do not
> have the bibliography, so I cannot say if the book itself is based on
> primary sources.

Yes, when I wrote the Hungary Water handout I didn't have the perfume book
available to me, and only remembered that the recipe in the book appeared
to not be period... Now that I have the book I'm going to try to track
down Beckmann...

Jadwiga Zajaczkowa, mka Jennifer Heise	      jenne at tulgey.browser.net
disclaimer: i speak for no-one and no-one speaks for me.
	"Oh it's all too much, too grim, too lovely, too -- how should 
	I put this? It's general chaos." -- Edward Gorey

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