HERB - witch hazel

Lady Ysabeau of Prague ysabeau at austin.rr.com
Fri May 19 13:41:33 PDT 2000


I just wanted to say hello. I am back on the list and tend to mostly lurk in
the corners listening intently. I am living in Austin/Bryn Gwlad and just
bought my first house. This means two things. I won't be going overseas
again soon, so my container plants are safe, and I now have a yard to
landscape, hopefully with mostly useful plants. My goal is to incorporate
mostly herbs and vegetables for my landscaping.

Anyway, I have some lavender that has taken off since I planted it in March.
I was thinking using it in the witch hazel but I don't know if I use the
leaves or do I need to wait for flowers? Okay, so I'm still trying to get
the hang of this.  Please be patient with my beginner questions.

Ysabeau of Prague

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