HERB - archives

RAISYA@aol.com RAISYA at aol.com
Tue Oct 3 13:42:31 PDT 2000

Oh, dear, nothing like being exposed in your ignorance, LOL!  I've never 
thought to check into whether we have archives.  Let me send an e-mail, and 
I'll try to let you know by tomorrow!

Raisya - (very embarrassed) list manager

>>>and not everything alse :) So I was wondering does this list have archives
>>>and if so where are they located?
>>If the list doesn't, well, *blush* I have all the messages backed up on
>>my personal computer.
>And if you have all of the messages (I have some but not all) and can
>manage to ftp them to my server, I can probably find linux software and
>install it to create an archive, if one does not exist.....
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